Advice on What to Wear to a Job Interview

We like to think that we can help you navigate the times in your life when the value of your appearance is critical. We go over the fundamentals of accelerating your career by landing a better job. 


Here are the five fundamental areas to focus on when preparing for your next interview:



Again, neatness and cleanliness are the watchwords. To avoid the 'sorry, just got out of bed' look, keep your hair trimmed and styled with a suitable product.


Hands and Nails

The interview will begin with a firm handshake, so make sure your hands are not rough and dry. A high-quality hand moisturiser will suffice. Clean fingernails are essential - you'd be surprised how many people notice your hands - so clip and file any errant dead nail bits.



You wouldn't dress the same way for a weekend trip to the pub as you would for an important board meeting. The same is true for fragrance. Smells can elicit strong emotional responses, so it's best to keep work and play separate by wearing a different cologne for each. Light citrus scents work well in the office. Keep the smoky, seductive cologne for weekend adventures. Apply sparingly so as not to turn heads in an unfavourable way.


Facial Hair

When you walk into your future employer's office, you want to give the impression that you are neat and tidy, organised, and professional. In general, clean-shaven is your best bet, but if facial hair is your thing, make sure it's trimmed and manicured like a royal shrub. 


The morning of the interview isn't the time to experiment with a straight razor for the first time, nor is it the time to shake up your routine, so stick to tried-and-true products to avoid any negative reactions. If you nick yourself while shaving, keep an alum block on hand to stop any blood flow.



Your clothing should be appropriate for the industry. A suit and tie are obviously not required for a job driving an excavator, but as a general rule, you should dress slightly better than the person interviewing you. Make a point of laying out your clothes the night before to avoid surprises in the morning, such as a missing button, a chocolate stain, or a fraying thread. 


Shine your shoes if they are shiny - the person on the other side of the desk is hoping to take a big bet on you, so make yourself look like an all-around reliable commodity from head to toe. To top it all off, a briefcase or leather satchel will lend credibility to this storey.


Steps to finish 


Check for stray nasal hairs or threads of fabric, run a lint roller over your shoulders, conceal any dark circles, bumps, or blemishes with a camo pencil, gargle with some mouthwash, and then off you go, quietly confident that the position is yours for the taking.

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